5 August 2024



Learning music from a young age is a wonderful adventure that brings heaps of benefits to children’s overall development. Whether they’re singing, playing an instrument, or simply listening to different kinds of music, it plays a vital role in their intellectual, emotional and social growth.


In this post, Haut-Lac International Bilingual School’s dedicated music teacher, Timothée explores why introducing children as young as 3 to music is so beneficial and how it can positively shape their learning.


Learning Skills

At Haut-Lac School, children get to boost their learning skills during a weekly music lesson. By engaging in regular musical activities like singing nursery rhymes, playing rhythms on a drum, or listening to various tunes, they stimulate different parts of the brain.

Such activities help them develop their listening skills, memory, attention and organisational thinking, as well as their ability to manage their behaviour and emotions.


Music class at Haut-Lac School


Language Development and Bilingualism

The bilingual songs and nursery rhymes taught at Haut-Lac School enrich language development in its two working languages. By listening to the words and lyrics, the children rapidly expand their vocabulary in both English and French.

These musical activities also introduce kids to the syllables and sounds that make up words, which in turn makes learning to read and write at 4 years old easier.


Physical Development and Coordination

Music also helps children become more aware of their bodies. By dancing, jumping and clapping along to music, they improve their motor skills and coordination, both of which are incredibly beneficial for in-class learning experiences.


Music with 3-year-olds at Haut-Lac School



Music is a fantastic way to boost creativity too. When students move freely to a tune or explore the sounds of different instruments, it encourages their artistic expression.

Hence why the early years team at Haut-Lac School puts on two annual performances with children aged 3 to 5.


Socialisation and Cooperation

These class performances are perfect opportunities for socialising. Working together on songs, dances and little plays helps children develop their social skills and learn about cooperation, sharing, following rules and taking turns.


Music, as an educational tool, opens up a world of discovery and personal achievement for children. That’s why the Haut-Lac School team is proud to offer such a comprehensive musical education, significantly contributing to the overall development of their students.

For more information on Early Years Learning at Haut-Lac International Bilingual School, check out this webpage


Timothée Bonomo
Haut-Lac Music Teacher

Tags: child development, social skills, early years education, performing arts, music lesson

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