Blog I Child Development I International School I Haut-Lac


Written by Katie Harwood | 22 April 2020

In the midst of this strange time warp we’re living in, you might not have realised that today is Earth Day. And not just any Earth Day - the 50th anniversary of this special day for environmental awareness. The people behind the movement want to make it known.

There is a large push to spread the message as far and as wide as possible over the globe thanks to our abundant virtual connections. We should all be encouraging one another to take as much or as little action as we wish, but most importantly, to spare a thought for Mother Nature today.


Looking towards the future

Highlighting April 22nd as a day to boost environmental awareness planet-wide is a great initiative, but the organisers have more long-term aspirations. They want to push environmental connection and activism towards the forefront of our everyday actions and thoughts, not just on April 22nd but whenever and wherever possible.

That is why we at Haut-Lac International Bilingual School have always promoted an eco-conscious mindset amongst the school body and will continue to seek new ways in which we can do our bit for the Earth.



What have we done?

Some actions seem obvious, or simple. We implemented solar panels when our Praz-Dagoud campus was built in 2014 to power the building and have phased out the use of any plastic cutlery, plates, glasses, etc. in school and at events. We encourage recycling amongst staff and students as much as possible whilst our compostable waste, whether from the kitchen or school events, is recycled in the school garden or by local biofuel and waste management companies.

However, we must also act today in ways that will impact our lives tomorrow. Progress in raising awareness and spreading the importance of nurturing better ecological attitudes will not happen overnight, but it is being strongly powered by our younger generations.



Making students voices count

As such, we endeavor to give them all the tools they need to lead this push. Students at Haut-Lac are empowered to make visible change through our student-teacher led environmental committees in both our primary and secondary sections. They are also shown from infancy how important Nature is through learning spaces like the school vegetable patch, the biotope and the special attention our maintenance team always give to the natural school grounds.

Sustainability is a buzzword that any student would be able to explain, should you ask them, because it a way of life that we strongly encourage and attempt to always live up to at Haut-Lac. Stimulating, thought-provoking lessons with environmental themes and activities like growing vegetables in the patch that then end up on their lunch plates are truly rewarding experiences, not only for students but consequently, for the environmental movement.



What can we do today?

Unfortunately, until school resumes, many will not be able to get outside, plant vegetables and flowers, or participate in the traditional Earth Day initiatives. Nonetheless, the global lockdown hasn’t stopped Earth Day’s organisers from drawing up dozens of ways in which we can make an impact from the safety of our homes.

So check them out here, spare a moment of your day to connect with the planet and be in solidarity with billions of other hopeful souls over the globe.


Katie Harwood

Stay connected:
Watch Earth Day Live with messages, calls to action and performances from major world players, famous speakers and performers (including Al Gore, Pope Francis, Elizabeth Warren, Gina McCarthy, Aloe Blacc, Jason Mraz, Jack Johnson and more on: