Blog I Child Development I International School I Haut-Lac


Written by Katie Harwood | 20 September 2020

At Haut-Lac, we are strong proponents of internationalism and cooperation. That is why the International Day of Peace is an important marker in the school year. We are committed to instilling our students with a peaceful and respectful attitude in an effort to contribute to a better world. The more conscientious young people we send forth into the world, the better our chances are of it going in a positive direction for the future.


Having faced such an unpredictable, difficult year as we have so far, today is a much needed balm for the consciousness of the world. 

Violence and conflict pervade our everyday, our history and, unfortunately it seems, our future. That is why the UN General Assembly came together in 1981 to establish the International Day of Peace.

On this day, we are to devote ourselves to fortifying the ideals of peace and highlighting the various projects and acts of solidarity taking place around the world that aim to promote peace in its many various forms.  

Just because this day was established long ago does not mean it is no longer needed. On the contrary, spreading the message of peace throughout the world and calling for even a momentary 24 hour ceasefire of world conflicts is necessary as much now as ever.

That is the message teachers at Haut-Lac International Bilingual School are also keen to pass on to their students. Through class projects and CAS projects (Creativity, Activity, Service), students are discovering the power of their voice. Anyone, no matter their age, can call for peace. The more of us who act upon this message and spread it, the more chance we may have of doing so.



On that note, we will be posting student projects that highlight and push for peace around the world on our social media over the next few weeks. First up will be some wonderful artwork produced by our P5s as they study not only War of the Worlds, but also peace and what it means in the 21st century.

Then keep your eyes peeled for a CAS project with a little dancing and a lot of heart!

Katie Harwood