20 August 2024



Summer’s out!

Ok, ok, we may be getting ahead of ourselves. There is still a week before secondary students are back on campus at Haut-Lac International Bilingual School. We just thought we’d check in with them to ensure they’re ready for the start of term.


If, like our 11-18-year olds, you’re about to start a new stage in the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IBMYP), International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) or International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme (IBCP), it’s best to think ahead.

Here are 5 back-to-school tips that will help make sure you’re ready to tackle the challenges of these world-renowned holistic academic programmes.

  1. Review Last Year’s Material

Let’s face it summer brain is a real thing. One minute you’re sipping on iced tea and soaking up the sun, and the next you’re thinking about what you may have forgotten from last year. Don’t worry though, a quick review of what you learned last year can make a big difference.

It’s important to have a solid grasp of previous concepts, especially in at an IB World School like Haut-Lac International Bilingual School, where each year builds on the last. Grab your old notes, textbooks or past assignments, and go over the key points. This will help refresh your memory, giving you the confidence boost you need to start the term strong.

And remind yourself of how much you’ve already learned!


Haut-Lac School secondary students studying


  1. Set Clear Goals for the Term

What do you want to achieve this year? Whether it’s acing maths, becoming more fluent in French, or getting involved in a new CAS activity, setting clear goals will help keep you motivated.

Write down your goals and put them somewhere visible, like on your desk or in your planner. If you study in two languages like at Haut-Lac School, why not write them in both to help reinforce your commitment.

Remember, your goals should be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound. Instead of saying, "I want to do well in school," try "I want to improve my French by practising for 15 minutes every day." Having concrete goals will give you something to work towards and help you measure your progress throughout the term.

  1. Organise Your Study Space

A cluttered space can lead to a cluttered mind, so now’s the perfect time to set up an organised, distraction-free study area. Whether it’s a quiet corner of your room or a dedicated desk, make sure it is tidy and well-equipped with everything you need for working on an IBMYP science project, drafting the dreaded IBDP Extended Essay or planning a Service as Action project.

A clean, organised space will make studying feel a little less daunting. You may also want to add a personal, decorative touch with some motivational quotes or photos to inspire your productivity.


Productive high school student study space

  1. Prepare for Bilingual Learning

Haut-Lac School’s bilingual English-French approach to learning is one of its unique traits. Its aim: to both help students both feel at home in the local Swiss culture and open them up to international success.

Let’s be honest though, juggling two tuition languages can be a challenge. You can, however, make things a little easier by familiarising yourself early with new subject-specific vocabulary or concepts, especially the ones in your second language.

You can create flashcards, watch videos, or read articles in both languages. The more exposure you get to your tuition languages, the more confident you will feel when it comes to participating in class discussions and tackling assignments.

  1. Prioritise Well-Being & Balance

The key to surviving and thriving on the International Baccalaureate programmes is balance. Your schedule is likely to be packed with lessons, assessments, CAS or Service as Action projects, and more, so creating a routine that balances work and play is a must.

Take some time to map out your weekly schedule, making sure to include academics and self-care. You will need those precious slots for hobbies, exercise, catching up with friends and relaxation to help keep stress levels in check and manage the rigorous IB demands.


Haut-Lac School Secondary campus


Ready for a Great Year?

Whether you’re a seasoned IB student or new to the International Baccalaureate programmes, these strategies will set you up for success.

Remember, the start of the term is your chance to set the tone for the months ahead, so take a deep breath, get organised, and dive into the new school year with confidence.

You’ve got this!

Tags: IBCP, international school, IBDP, IBMYP, back-to-school, new term, high school

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