2 September 2024



Picture this: a school without the constant buzz of notifications, where students actually look up from their screens and engage with the world around them. It might sound like a far-fetched idea, especially to those for whom mobile phones have become an extra limb.

But what if ditching the devices during school hours could open up a whole new world of focus, creativity and genuine connection?


That’s exactly what we’ve seen at Haut-Lac International Bilingual School since the introduction of a mobile phone ban in 2022. The difference has been remarkable, with students not only thriving academically but also rediscovering the joy of real, face-to-face interactions.

Here are some of the key benefits we’ve observed over the past two years.


Enhanced Focus and Academic Performance

One of the most compelling reasons to choose a no-phone school is the positive impact on students’ focus and academic performance. Research from the London School of Economics (LSE) has found that banning mobile phones in schools significantly improves student test scores, with an average increase of 6.41% in overall performance1.

Without the constant distraction of message notifications and social media, students have no choice but to pay attention in lessons. This increased focus enables them to understand course material better, achieve higher grades in the IB Middle Years Programme, IB Diploma Programme and IBCP Programme, and enjoy a more enriching educational experience overall.


Haut-Lac School secondary students


Stronger Social Connections and Interpersonal Skills

Students at no phone schools have to engage with one another face-to-face, rather than through screens. This shift fosters the development of stronger interpersonal skills and more meaningful connections, which will help them succeed both academically and professionally.

Since the ban in 2022, teachers at Haut-Lac School have noticed students are more willing to participate in group activities, resolve conflicts in person, and build meaningful relationships with their peers. 

This observation aligns with a 2018 survey by Common Sense Media, which found that 67% of teachers observed an improvement in academic performance and classroom participation when phones were restricted2.

These improved interpersonal skills and engagement levels will only help prepare students for better collaboration in university and future careers.


Prioritised Student Well-Being and Safety

Student well-being is a top priority at any school, and a phone-free policy can significantly help ensure it.

Studies such as the one published in the journal Computers in Human Behaviour2, show that excessive smartphone use, especially for social media, is associated with increased levels of stress and anxiety in young people. By removing this constant source of pressure, schools like Haut-Lac International Bilingual School create a more relaxed and supportive environment where students can focus on their studies and personal development.

What’s more, with fewer online distractions, students are more likely to seek out their friends for a game of basketball or table-football at breaktimes. Or even just a stroll and chat around campus. Either way, the movement, fresh air and interaction can only but boost their their physical and mental health.


Haut-Lac School primary students


Greater Inclusivity & Fairness

A mobile phone-free environment can also promote greater inclusivity and fairness among students. Not all families can afford the latest smartphones, and the presence of these devices in schools can highlight socio-economic differences, leading to feelings of exclusion or inadequacy.

A phone ban, like the one in place at Haut-Lac International Bilingual School, can help ensure all students are on an equal footing. It will, in turn, foster a sense of community, by making sure students are valued for their character and abilities, rather than what they own.


Streamlined School-Parent Communication

Of course, no solution is perfect. However, the one concern some parents have about a school no-phone policy has a relatively easy fix – a clear home-school communication protocol.

With staff trained in first aid, mental health support and crisis management, this system ensures the safety of students and teachers whilst they focus on learning. Should parents at Haut-Lac School need to reach their children in the event of an emergency, they know they can call reception and the message will reach the concerned student. Similarly, should an issue arise at school, all staff know to inform reception so the parents can be called.


Haut-Lac staff learn first aid


Choosing a mobile phone-free school like Haut-Lac International Bilingual School offers numerous benefits, from enhanced academic performance and stronger social skills to prioritised student well-being and greater inclusivity.

Whilst the idea of a school phone ban might seem restrictive at first, the positive impact on students’ education and personal development is clear. In a world where digital distractions are everywhere, a no-phone school provides a refreshing and supportive environment where students can truly thrive.

Emma Dowou
Haut-Lac Communications

1 Beland, L. P., & Murphy, R. (2016). Ill Communication: Technology, Distraction & Student Performance. Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science

Common Sense Media. (2018). The Common Sense Census: Inside the 21st-Century Classroom.

3 Elhai, J. D., Levine, J. C., Dvorak, R. D., & Hall, B. J. (2017). Fear of missing out, need for touch, anxiety and depression are related to problematic smartphone use. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 509-516.

Tags: soft skills, social skills, personal growth, student well-being, no phone school

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