Blog I Child Development I International School I Haut-Lac


Written by Katie Harwood | 31 August 2020

Coronavirus. We’re probably all weary of hearing about it, seeing it on the news and witnessing its devastating effects the world over. Yet, even months on from lockdown, it is undeniably still relevant and will continue to dominate our reality for some time to come. When it comes to students in particular, one of the most anxiety-inducing repercussions of this pandemic has been the cloud of uncertainty it has cast over the future.


That is why, at Haut-Lac, we are able to gift our students and staff two of 2020’s most precious assets: stability and continuity.

We’re established – and so are our teachers

As a Swiss international school run by the same people who founded it 26 years ago, Haut-Lac International Bilingual School's foundations are strong and consistent. This year, we celebrated the 5, 10 and even 15 year anniversaries of an unprecedented number of our staff, thanking them for dedicating so many years to teaching at Haut-Lac. Many of us have been here so long, we remember when Roches Grises didn't even exist!

The eternal and personal connection of our management to the school's philosophy assures Haut-Lac's integrity. We have been following one direction for the past 26 years, aiming to provide a nurturing, quality and thorough education to all our students.



Students reap the benefits of follow-through

This sort of continuity has an effect. The constancy of our direction safeguards the school's values and educational orientation, whilst the constancy of our staff ensures students receive great follow-through and are able to develop meaningful relationships with their teachers over the years. Therefore, when something as unexpected as a global pandemic hits, our students know they can rely on their teachers to be at their side and help them through any crises of confidence caused by such a shake-up.

Having been taught by many of the same teachers year after year, our students have access to a unique privilege. They can be certain their teachers know their syllabi and their students inside out, and will thus continue to give them a quality education, regardless of the circumstances.

Providing comfort through experience and expertise

Building such confidence in our students takes time, but we believe it is worth it. Time equates to experience, a commodity in which we are amassing wealth year on year. Parents who know Haut-Lac know that it has always evolved with the times and very often anticipated new trends in education.

We piloted the first 1 iPad-1 student scheme in Switzerland (which came in very handy during lockdown) and planted a discovery garden long before technology and sustainability caught up with child pedagogy! In the same vein, we will continue to learn the lessons this period in history is presenting to us and will harness their takeaways to better equip ourselves for the future that is fast approaching.



WE are powered by YOU

We are honoured to have received such a positive and supportive response from our families in answer to the events of the past few months. Such encouragement propels us to strive for a future in which we continue to offer the pastoral care and quality education our community trusts us to provide, and to remain constant even as the world around us changes.

Katie Harwood